its only aug. 31 and my costume is almost ready. lets look at what i have done.
i painted this mic silver
she shoes turned out grate! i would of took a pic of the shirt but my grama took it back to sew even when i insisted that i do it but she just dint want me to cut it and turn it in to a cartigin but i will do it.
more to do, busy experimenting and crafting - emily
hi everyone, or no one so i was on charcoal faux leather jacket and there where some leather jackets 3 to be exact. brown, shinny black and a un-shinny black charcoal if you will. at first i didnt really care about them but after i loved them. you can only get the charcoal one on the internet and thats the one i was thinking about. i didnt like the shinny one. the brown was okay. there only 50$. did i mention they are faux leather. im in love. i really wanted a turquoise pull over sweater but that was not on there website but i know they have them because i saw it in the store. i really wanted it so bad im just scared they wont have any mediums left but if they dont i guess i would get the jacket but still what if there are no mediums left? what should i do tell me ??? i need a sweater but a jacket would also be nice. and i would get them both but i dont think my moms gonna let me spend 70 something $ but wait !!!! the cash card we have is to spend 75$ get 25 0ff im gonna pee my pants right now if it wornt 12:30 am i would scream i love my life. but i still dont know whats gonna happen i will pray my mom will let me get them. and dont call me greedy because i dont have vearry much sweaters i have 4 witch one dose not fit me one says my schools name on it that has a brown stain on it and thats at my grandparents house they never brang it back one is from 2010 boxing day one is my moms old one i dont know how many that is to you but i have had 4 wait 3 sweaters since 2009 and evryone els has way more not that i really care. and jackets i have 2 a windbreaker witch i love and a Colombia winter jacket from sports check i dont have a fall jacket/ going out fancy jacket. and my mom said no but i dont think thats fair because she has 12 jackets all together. she wants me to take one of her old ones but they dont fit :(. lets see what happens. let me know what ya think. -emily charcoal faux leather jacket shinny black faux leather jacket brown faux leahter jacket
here i sit posting on my blog well my little sister watches tree house saying good bye sink because max said it on max and ruby. or body wave on four square. she just said max americandro(americano)we're lady gaga fansshe says she wants to go to a lady gaga concert to bad she couldnt come with me my mom and my aunty to the monster ball tour st.paul Minnesota at the exele center it was fing amazeing i was floor only a few rows away from the stage it was hard to see i got lifted up so see the monster ant the end it looked like a fish but it was obviously worth it some lady gave me a glowie stick on the floor i put it in the holdy thing it the car asoon as we got in its never been out of the car since its pink :) that was a nice lady i bet she gave it to me cuz she thought i was cute. the opening band scared me i do not like them.
katy perry mts center winnipeg july 13 California dreams soo awesome !!! Gwen stefani twice i dont remember when but i was four and then eight then there was no doubt :)
i only got tees from gaga and katy i dont remember what the no doubt clothes looked like but yeah.
just realized its http://www.emilysparadice like dice errrrrrrrrrrrrrr why why why ?????????? great now people are gonna question me k well inside scoop im gonna have a pic of dice so people think i did it like that for some reason hahahahaahahahah poop.
this my first blog i have written on this website. this is mainly about me random stuff fashion beauty and tips tricks and tutorials.
so lets get started.fall clothes shopping!!! it time to get shopping.
tips*** saving money: its so important to save so what your shopping at _____when so and so is shopping at ____ your buying the same amount of clothes for less than half what their paying. at superstore there are surprisingly some really nice fashions i was tempted to buy a pair of dress pants. and if you cant deal with out buying clothes from your fave expensive store that's why there's a clearance rack i loooove clearance!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can't decide?: damn witch one should i get errrrrr i love them both equal. hard choices with clothing or what ever? think about when your gonna wear it with what where this helps you see the pros and cons and find out the overall winner.
love it love it not: make sure you love your clothes in the store because that's when you will probably when you will love it most.
out of stalk: waiting for a deal or coupon can be hard especially when you have what if they run out in mind. just wait and wait then get and get if they're all out go to every_____ in the city if that docent work out order online. and if you don't get it don't worry its only sad till you find something else. but if you will regret it for the rest of your life I'm not stopping you.
have fun buying your new clothes i know i will and reduce reuse recycle so what that's been pre loved or pre hated before you.
been typing since 2:00 its 3:00 am here in Canada the time it say posted by emily at 12:45 lies its 3:17 am.