Friday, 30 September 2011

fuck yaaaaaaaa

I am fuckin re ady to go to a fuckin party EXTREAMLY fuckin loud music !!!!!!! Only song I like FUCK Lady gaga katy perry reianah that song whole new chick every thing I wanna dance in the dark with falshing lights and music so fucking loun u can't here ur self thing !!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 25 September 2011

youtube give-away ???????????

im thinking hard about doing a youtube give-away i really want to do one but im having allot of trouble thinking of something to giveaway I NEED HELP TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT but since i am with in the whole beauty threshold (does that even make sense? i dont know what threshold means) it has to be something beauty related so HELP ME WHAT DO YOU WANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 17 September 2011

fall jacket faux leather

me in my new fall coat
what it looks like
hey, its been a wile since i did a blog post. do you remember when i made a post about a faux leather jacket? well today i used my garage cash card. i got the jacket instead of a turquoise sweater, top and something els i didnt know yet. it was $50. i got it in charcoal. yeay my new fall jacket. they didnt have large witch i wanted so it would fit me longer because im medium with a sweater underneath. link to see the hoodie (its darker in real life)turquoise sweater
link to see the turquoise top(again darker in life) turquoise top. link to buy the jacketfaux leather jacket. - em. 

Sunday, 11 September 2011


who likes smoothies? i do. why not make one yummy and healthy everyone wold love!

get these things: any flavored or regular yogurt, orange juice, cranberry juice and 7up.

the best yogurt in the world

this adds a nice bubbley taste that everyone loves

finished product in my pooh cup

the best smoothie ever
add your yummy flavored-ness yogurt. add half 7up or less, eye ball it. add a few table spoons of orange juice or more (depends if you like it) add a few table spoons of cranberry juice or more (depends if you like it) mix it all up and have a delicious smoothie