Wednesday, 25 April 2012
pumpin' adrenalin
so me (emily), katie and kailyn are barley late for gym ( this is middle school btw, not even strict) and the teacher dosent like us anyways, we dont get a test. he says we do it after school. like hell c'mon, like emily, katie and kailyn are seriously gonna not run out the door a.s.a the bell rings. so this is what we did like 20 mins ago. bell rings we bold to katies locker hers is the closest. kailyn grabs her back pack she put there ahead of time for this very moment. me and katie dump our binders in her locker. ( all three of us have single lockers(no locker buddy) and this guy who i wont say names but lets just call him "is awesome" he said that every time his name was called out. i dont think he is awesome btw, if you get what i mean and ima turn this blog around so any kinda story you see "is awesome" thats him. so is awesome locks katies locker, he know we need to book it outta there and he dose this kinda stuff all the time. so katie grabs the lock back from him and quickly opens it, grabs her shit and we run!
katie is wearing shoes of this design but meant for outside. hers are like a cream p leather weave. this pic is from google images i just wanted you to get the idea of what she was running in. BACK TO WHERE WE LEFT OFF so katies phone falls out of her purse and slides down the hall. there are teacher all around we are not allowed cell phone in school but no body cares. if the teachers saw it they woulda taken it. the hall is crowded will people its like this every say when the bell rings for "home time" i still call it that from elementary. what els is there to call it? anyways i swoop and grab her phone. we are running pushing people trying to get out the door. we get outside i give her her phone i was trying to hide from the teachers, we are getting our stuff together holding all that we need and bolting, you dont walk home like we ran out of there. so idk who els but becker (evreyone call him that) is asking why we are goin all crazy to get out. katie tells him and he repeatedly bugs her/us and says "go take your test katie" and jokeing around he said "i should call him" and other shit but i didnt hear. call the teacher and tell him we escaped is what that means. how and why dose he have the number??? beckers comments on how we are all short. becker must of been really short if katie used to be taller than him (that also came up in the less than 5 mins we were there) when hes taller than me and im taller than katie. i said "im not short, your just taller than me" he stands close to me and stareing in to each others eyes im lean back and im like "whoah back up" he dose and goes back to the spot he was standing and says "im way taller than you im like 5.2'" katie laughs and says "right" i am 5 feet or 5.1' so thats one of two inches. we leave and we all walk home togather, the same way i like the closest katie lives less than 5 mins away from me and kailyn lives far but not as far as she did when she moved from 20 mins to 1-2 hours and then in the next few weeks is in a diffrent house thats id say 20-25 mins. so we are walking, laughing and we are walking behind (we will call him peanut butter) peanut butter and his twin brother and lots of other people. peanut butter hates kailyn, she dosent care. she bothers him like she bothers everyone els who hates/dosent like her. there was some funny stuff in that time. then im at my stop i say bye like always and it goes like that one by one till no one is together anymore. so thats about it about the story there might be a youtube vid later if so im puffballpudding and the vid will be called pumpin' adrenalin loool. byee